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Naturopathic Medicine
A unique form of medicine based on treating people, not diseases. This holistic healthcare philosophy is to give the body what it needs to heal itself. Naturopathic doctors treat using natural therapies instead of prescription medications. The goal is always to cure, rather than suppress symptoms.
Emotional Release
Emotional Release is a somatic healing technique that uses breath, specific pressure points, vocal guidance and the safe space holding presence of a practitioner to release stored emotional blockages. These blockages can be the cause of pathology and challenge the nervous system on a daily basis. Clearing store emotions helps to heal the physical body by shifting the consciousness in a way that changes the body physiology and uncovers the true YOU that is hidden behind the dis-ease. These emotional blockages can come from our childhood trauma, the stressors of life and even inherited ancestral baggage that was passed down to you through generations without you being given a choice.
Each session is a unique journey into the subconscious to transform your relationship to difficult emotions. That which we FEEL can HEAL. Cathartic release allows you to authentically express suppressed emotions in a safe space supported by a trained practitioner. By releasing resistance to the blocked emotions, you are giving your nervous system a chance to heal and allowing your true self to be revealed. This is true, deep healing occurring on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
This technique can be done in person and online, each offering pros and cons. While the in-person experience allows for the physical support of your body in releasing difficult emotions, an online session means you are able to do this work from the comfort of your own home. Each has value and is a decision made to honor your own healing journey.
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